Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Diodes and related applications
2 |
Clippers, Clampers
3 |
Reflectors, half and full wave rectifiers
4 |
RC and LC filters
5 |
Ripple and voltage regulation concepts
6 |
DC biasing to BJT and providing bias stability
7 |
DC biasing to FET and providing bias stability
8 |
Small signal ananlysis in one-step amplifiers
9 |
Amplifier modelling by using h parameters
10 |
Analysing gain and other parameters for all amplifier types
11 |
Frequency response of amplifiers with BJT and FEt
12 |
Emiter izleyici Devreleri
13 |
PNP Tranzistörler ve Darlington Çiftleri
14 |
FET Analizleri ve uygulamaları