Language of Instruction
Level of Course Unit
Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program
Environmental Engineering
Type of Program
Formal Education
Type of Course Unit
Course Delivery Method
Face To Face
Objectives of the Course
This course aims to show how pollutants causing air pollution are dispersed in ambient air after they exit the chimney.
Course Content
In this course, the distribution of the emissions that cause air pollution from the sources are examined and atmospheric distribution maps are drawn.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Course Coordinator
Asist Prof.Dr. Güray Doğan
Name of Lecturers
Associate Prof.Dr. GÜRAY DOĞAN
Work Placement(s)
Recommended or Required Reading
Baumbach, "Air Quality Control", Springer, 1996. Stern, "Air Pollution", Academic Press, 1977 (5 volumes) DeNevers, "Air Pollution Control Engineering", McGraw Hill 1995. Vallero, D., Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Fourth Edition. Academic Press, 2008. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolünün Esasları, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, 2000 (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları)